Remote monitoring and control system for equipment in RC & M telecommunication networks
Automated software and hardware complex of remote control, managing and monitoring of network and process equipment of base stations RBS, MSC and other objects of the network of mobile operators.
Control system of engineering infrastructure of the telecommunication center and the RC & ROMC data center
The centralized control system of data centers engineering infrastructure, switching centers of mobile communication - MobileSwitchingCenter (MSC), OperationMaintenanceCenter (OMC) Operations Maintenance Centers (OMC) RemoutOperationMaintenanceCenter (ROMC), and other facilities where computers and communication equipment are installed.
Automated Electricity Accounting System (ASEE) of RC & M ASCO mobile network objects
Centralized accounting and control of electricity consumption by the objects of the network of the mobile operator. Data collection from electricity meters for commercial and process accounting of electricity, calculation of payment for consumed electricity and interaction with the corporate financial system and the system of electricity supplier.